Listening to the Home Assistent Websocket API with Python

Jeroen Boumans
3 min readMar 7, 2021

As I started using Home Assistant (HA) I wanted to explore the options of outputting HA states to physical devices, like a matrix display. Below I’ll guide you through a simple setup of how to build a states logger using the HA Websocket API. You can use these states in your own project to display the values on physical devices like I did on a Pimoroni Micro Dot pHAT. I’m running all the commands bellow on a Raspberry Pi Zero W environment.


Home Assistant

First you need to make sure a HA instance is running. You can run HA on a Raspberry Pi by following the installation guide for Raspberry here.

Off-topic tip: since the amount of states values HA is writing to the database can become quite large in the future I’d suggest saving these somewhere else than the default database file on the SD card. This will lengthen the lifespan of your SD card. 😉 I’m saving the records to a MySQL database running on my Synology NAS but you can pick any other environment, like Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL etc.

Python Environment

You also need an environment that can run a Python. For starting and experimenting I’d suggest installing JetBrains’s PyCharm Community edition. You can easily run python scripts on different Python versions and install packages required for your Python scripts. In my example I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero running Raspberry Pi OS Lite installed using the Raspberry Pi Imager. That being said it’s time to install the first dependencies needed for this guide.

pip install asyncio asyncws

asyncio is used for running async processes in your python script while asyncws is used for listening to websockets, which is exactly what we need for listening to the HA Websocket API. Our script will have the following simple structure:

  1. Logger: logging the specified states to our terminal/display, each for a specified interval, like 2 seconds.
  2. Listener: its goals are storing the state values, received by the HA Websocket API, into in a simple dictionary object (cache). Since we don’t know when HA updates the states we’re listening to this needs to be done on a different thread.

HA Authorization Token

Go to the profile section in HA and create a token in the bottom Token section. Copy it somewhere (safe). We’ll need it in our configuration named asHASS_IO_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN.

Creating the Logger

First make sure the specified states you want the listener listen to. Since I’m using a smart meter I’m listening to the power and gas states. Also define the host, token and port (if different than default) variables.

Adding the listener

Since the listener needs to run on a different thread/task we’re defining it as an async method. The initSocket method runs as long as the script is running. It reads every state that’s been submitted by the HA Websocket API. It then checks if the state is registered in our entities variable. If it is, it saves it to the cache variable.

Adding the Logger

The logger will also run on its own async thread. The logger has only one simple task: loop through all the available cache values and print them to the screen each for a given time of 2 seconds.

Running the Processes Simultaneously

At the bottom of our script we initialize both processes in a main method and let asyncio run it asynchronous. Save your script and test it running the following command:


You can run it in the background by adding &

python &

The logger starts showing cached state values whenever there are any in the cache variable. You should see something like the following:

